
by binary deconstructed

夢幻飛行 05:10
城市上方 09:14
重點 10:00
進入涅磐 07:34


In the forest, breathing. With each breath, lightness. With every exhalation, lift.

It's subtle, at first — a leaf craning sunward, a gust buffeting the fuselage of a 787. Not quite believable, either. But yes, below, the ground — the earth, the giver — is there. Below but no longer beneath.

Infant lung-born winds join those much older, and it's not clear whether they're providing the lift or simply here to enjoy the dance.

Regardless, all are welcome.

High enough now that the ground is no longer grounding, the canopy no longer above. Unfocused, all seems a painting, impressionistic. Everything, that is, except for a solitary figure, sat upon a pretty mat, surrounded by pretty plants.

Comfortable, cross-legged, breathing in, breathing out. It is so familiar. So far away but, somehow, still so sharp.


The plants, their details now blurred with distance, have become millions. A smooth and emerald sea abutting the pixelated and brutal, grey angles of the city.

The forest-sea breathes with the winds, the figure. The same winds shift, swirl above the city — unmoved. Though the mass of grey is not totally unchanging.

From such heights it seems to buzz with static. Upon closer inspection this mirage, this visual glitching of the urban vista, is the waste — refuse — flitting about the busy lonely streets, the afterthoughts of its denizens.

The beauty, and with it this strange flight, falters. No longer locked geosynchronous above the figure, myriad lights shudder and waltz revealing the metropolis to be anything but lifeless. A haze of litter, a coat of grime upon every unloved surface threatens any peace.

The solitary figure should not be visible. But it is. And getting closer.

Breathe without them. Breathing with them. Breathe within them.


Breathing within them. The forest is all around.

Its beauty distracts. Thoughts of — and disgust with — the city and its occupants disrupt.

Focus. Lift. Don't give in. Don’t breathe in—



—out, out, out.



Three fires burn — the figure, the forest, the city. Once inhabitants of the mind, they are now external.

Out, out ... out — out.

Out their poisons.


Though their externalization is not the end. They must be extinguished. And wanting them vanquished will not work.

Greed — the figure.
Aversion — the forest.
Ignorance — the city.

Each must simply cease.

And when they do, all will be revealed. How this happens is ... unclear.

But it does.

And everything is—


tape available here: liminalgarden.bandcamp.com/album/--6


released August 20, 2021

Artwork by EXSHA - twitter.com/imexsha

Short Story by Kintsugist - twitter.com/TKintsugist

Huge shoutout to Michael for making this release so special. Thank you again for everything.



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